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Use the following links to add your For Sale or Wanted ad. Type in the ad exactly as you would like it to appear. Be sure to include as many of the following items as possible.

Note: Our Classified archive was cleared on January 17.  If you would like your ad to continue, please re-post it.

bulletThe exact type of equipment you are selling or looking for
bulletAny special threading (French, Italian, etc.)
bulletClamp-on or braze-on mounting (if appropriate)
bulletAero/non-aero brakes
bulletNumber of spokes/rear wheel spacing
bullet5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, or 9-speed
bulletCassette or freewheel (and tooth counts)
bulletThe specific gruppo (Nuovo Record, Gran Sport, etc.)
bulletA price (in U.S. dollars or your local currency)
bulletYour state and/or country if outside the U.S. (to help people decide whether they can ship to or from your location)

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